Meet the 2025 Life Change Program Graduates: Joseph Benter
Although Joseph Benter had graduated from a rehab program, he had all his unresolved issues still waiting for him when he left.
He stayed sober for almost four years, but one drink with co-workers is all it took to begin a spiral of destruction that resulted in him losing everything.
When he entered the men’s Life Change Program, he had a decision to make: commit to change or go back to his old rebellion.
One of the Life Change Program’s most powerful benefits is how it helps guests focus on the deeper, inner issues that are behind substance abuse. When guests begin to work through their unresolved pain, trauma and wrong thinking, they begin to truly heal. Joseph’s big shift came when he realized his same bad attitude, negativity and brawling spirit were getting him nowhere. He had to change.
Today, he says he knows he’s a different and better man.
“I can finally open up to people in a calm and vulnerable way without fear and I have future employment and college to look forward to again,” Joseph said. “I’m no longer searching for meaning outside of myself to change me from within.”
When Joseph graduated from his last rehab program, he didn’t have a network of people around him who cared and who were committed to helping him maintain his sobriety and grow. This time, “I now have a healthy support system around me that has my best interests at heart,” he said. “I’ve also developed a determination and drive to pull others into success too, as long as they want it.”
Joseph changed when he was ready to change, and he had the tools, people and resources around him to support his growth for the long-term.
Help us celebrate Joseph and the other graduates of the Life Change Program! Come and show your support for a group of men and women who have worked through incredible adversity to come to a place of healing, authentic change and new life.
You are invited to his graduation ceremony!
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March 7
6 p.m.
City First Church
830 Madison Street, Eugene