Major Needs
What are the Mission’s Major Needs?
The program and services expansion plans and projects on this page are large ticket items. Put another way, they cost “big bucks.” However, these plans truly lead to wellness – for homeless men, women and children; for the Eugene Mission; and ultimately for the Eugene community. When homeless men and women “get well” and get off the streets and back into society everybody wins!
Fact: We need about $1,000,000 more each year to become the Wellness Center we envision!
Truly, it is not easy for us to ask for money in such a bold way. We ask you, our donors and supporters because this Mission is YOURS! It belongs to the Eugene/Springfield community and is one of the key long-term solutions to tackling the complex problem of homelessness in this area.
How can you help? If you are already giving regularly, can you increase your donation? If you don’t give regularly, perhaps now is the time to start? And finally, if you have a group or organization who can give a sizeable donation – think of the Eugene Mission and its positive impact in our community. THANK YOU for considering the Eugene Mission!
For almost 60 years the Eugene Mission has relied on God’s provision, though caring folks like YOU, and we believe He will continue to provide for our needs for the next 60 years.
Key Immediate & Long-Term Major Needs
We are serving 100’s of people each day, 24 hours a day, with a small but dedicated and loving staff. We have determined that for us to focus on being more than just a “homeless shelter,” but rather a WELLNESS Center, we need to add R³ Academy, Life Change Program, and Guest Services Supervisor staffing. By adding personnel in these three key areas, we make an impact on homelessness in Lane County in the following ways:
Navigators at the ROC (Resources, Outreach & Connections)
Our navigators meet with guests one-on-one to help them overcome the barriers in their lives that have led them to homelessness to begin with. Many of our guests will remain “stuck” if they do not have someone to care enough to invest time and energy in them. Not only do our navigators at the ROC direct guests to area housing, medical, employment, and addiction recovery agencies, they ensure that positive and supportive follow through is taking place so that guests find their way out of the Eugene Mission and into better suited, permanent solutions.
Cost: We need to add at least 6 full-time Navigators to serve the current population. With salaries, taxes, and benefits, we need approximately $300,000 per year.
Life Change Relapse Prevention Program
We are excited to see our Life Change Program grow and expand, offering a FREE 12-18 month relapse prevention program to address deep issues for those who truly commit to changing their lives. Upon graduation, our hope is that these men and women have skills to make lasting changes that will return them to productive and Godly members of the community – with jobs (or other sustainable income sources) and housing. As the Life Change Program continues to expand, we will need staffing and volunteers to meet the growing needs of teaching, training, and supervising Life Change members. We MUST raise additional funds to continue the Life Change Program. At $5,000 to change a person’s life, we are requesting that people, businesses, churches, and organizations sponsor one or more Life Change members to reach our goal of adequate annual funding of the program.
Cost: About $5,800 per 60 Life Change Members = $350,000 per year!
Technology for Classes
Computer access and connecting with the family is more important than ever. We have implemented time for guests to access public computer workspaces for 1 hour, twice a day. As some of our neighbors have phones, computers, and tablets, others may not have that opportunity.
It’s a time for guests to take care of any tax issues, file for unemployment, or even reach out to the family. The Eugene Mission is doing anything possible to keep our guests revitalizing and restoring their lives!
If you have any computer equipment (desktops, monitors, speakers, headphones), please message us directly or donate it to 1542 West First Avenue, Eugene OR 97402.
Painting of Mission Exterior
Building maintenance is so important, and most of our buildings are in need of new paint. Are you a commercial painter who would like to donate time and materials, or, is this something you or your group would like to fund?
Men’s Guest Center Entrance / Courtyard
The Rescue Shelter entry consists of a gravel bike yard, a sagging awning, and a nondescript door. We want our entry to be welcoming, attractive, and to represent WELLNESS! We have plans for a courtyard with pavers, improved lighting, new bike racks, trees, shrubs, and a new entry. This is sizeable, but a very impactful project that could be tackled by one group or many. Interested in funding this undertaking?