Planned Giving
Your Support Helps Provide a Path off the Streets
You can leave a legacy of assisting the poor and feeding the hungry through planned giving. Much of our facility has been built as a result of the generosity of men and women who wanted to continue to bless others through planned giving.
The Eugene Mission has been giving hope to the homeless since 1956. Over the years, the population we serve has grown, and their needs have become more complex. The Bible says, “the poor you will always have with you” so we know that the need to serve will not go away. Your partnership with the Eugene Mission is a balm to the hurting and disadvantaged and we thank you for your generosity. Should you choose to continue a legacy of giving “to the least of these,” please consider the following:
Remember us in your Will
A simple way to give is remembering us in your will by including a bequest to the Eugene Mission. You can also update or add a bequest to an existing will.
Create or Contribute to an Endowment Fund
You might consider contributing to an endowment – a fund in which the principal is invested and all or part of the earnings are used to help the programs and goals you want to support.
Donate Stocks and Other Property
…to the Eugene Mission. Gifts of appreciated securities offer tax advantages to the donor. You can also make gifts of property such as real estate.