Rescue Shelter
Path Off the Streets Begin Here
Rescue Shelter Access
Guests checking into the Eugene Mission Rescue Shelter are given up to 14 days of shelter. Meals, shower facilities, and chaperoned convenience store trips are provided. Guests are required to stay in the Rescue Shelter/adjacent outdoor space for the duration of the stay (exceptions include documented appointments).
The Rescue Shelter can be accessed at our west campus gate on 2nd and Chambers via a 9 am check in (or lottery if beds are limited) time. No loitering, camping, or arrivals earlier than 8:30 am, please.
Service Animal Policy
Service Animals are welcome at the Eugene Mission. Service animals must conduct themselves as service animals, remain leashed and with their owner at all times. Service animals must wear current rabies vaccination tags and be licensed with City of Eugene or Lane County.
Drug & Alcohol Policy
There is no testing upon entry to the Rescue Shelter. The Eugene Mission has zero tolerance for drugs, alcohol, or marijuana either consumed on, or in proximity to, the campus. No drugs or paraphernalia is allowed on site. To enroll in our residential programs, passing a drug test is required (30-day grace period provided for marijuana). You can apply for one of our programs at any time during your Rescue Shelter stay.
What Comes After My Stay in the Rescue Shelter?
Choose one of our Revitalization Programs
Please call the ROC (Resources, Outreach, & Connection) Office at 541.344.3251 x 105 for more information.
Rescue Shelter Services
Meal Times
Breakfast - 6AM
Lunch - 11AM
Dinner - 5PM
Shower Times
Available all day. Please check at the Guest Services desk for resources.
We offer a secured baggage room for guests to store their belongings. Baggage is opened between 6AM – 8AM and 4PM - 7pm.
Clothing will be provided by request. Once assigned a bed, please check at the Guest Services desk and fill out a request form.
Store Trips
Every day we offer Rescue Shelter guests a ride to and from the store. This is to gather any items they may need while staying with us as Rescue is a 24 hour commitment.
Outside Activities
Staff will take guests to utilize our recreation area to get exercise and fresh air during their stay.
Guests will have access to staffs assistance during their stay.
Guests will have the opportunity to enjoy a weekly chapel service. This is not required.